As segment of hisworthy designate of Blue Foundation’s novel lunar lander, “Blue Moon,” Jeff Bezos announcedClub for the Future, a novel organization to inspire a novel generation of house explorers and entrepreneurs.
The novel organization, start to educators, folks and youngsters in kindergarten by strategy of excessive college, looks designed to integrate tutorial lessons withBlue Foundationmissions.
“Club participants’ ideas blended with a basis of life like, frequent, and decent web entry to to house, will abet spark a future without limits,” reads the web page material’s exhortation to novel participants.” Dream. Experiment. Impress. As we develop, be cautious for novel activities, enlighten material, and alternatives to web entry to house.”
The significant venture is to “receive a postcard from house.”
All participants must do is design or write a vision for the long scramble of lifestyles in house on the smooth aspect of a self-addressed, stamped postcard, and send it to “Club for the Future” at PO BOX 5759, KENT, WA 98064, U.S.A.
The significant 10,000 postcards got before July 20, 2019 shall be placed within the Crew Pill on a Unusual Shepard flight, and then returned to senders with a stamped “flown to house” certification.