[NEWS] Russia eases path to citizenship for east Ukraine residents – Loganspace AI

[NEWS] Russia eases path to citizenship for east Ukraine residents – Loganspace AI

FILE PHOTO: Americans line up after crossing the contact line between pro-Moscow rebels and Ukrainian troops as they wait at passport control in Mayorsk, Ukraine February 25, 2019. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich/File Photo

MOSCOW (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed an narrate simplifying the job for acquiring a Russian passport for residents of the revolt-controlled Donetsk and Luhansk regions of jap Ukraine, the Kremlin mentioned on Wednesday.

Separatist rebellions broke out against Ukrainian rule in both regions in 2014. Moscow equipped military aid for the separatists, in accordance with proof gathered by Reuters, though Russian officials bear denied providing self-discipline fabric strengthen.

Mighty swathes of the 2 regions are now below the de facto control of the Moscow-backed rebels, whereas Kiev says it’s certain to re-verbalize its control, a save of residing backed by most Western nations.

There modified into no instantaneous response from Kiev to Putin’s narrate. Ukrainian officials tend to react angrily to any indication Moscow is drawing the revolt regions nearer into its private orbit.

Writing by Anton Kolodyazhnyy and Christian Lowe; Enhancing by Andrew Heavens

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