[NEWS] Factbox: What we know about Boeing 737 MAX crashes and what comes next – Loganspace AI

[NEWS] Factbox: What we know about Boeing 737 MAX crashes and what comes next – Loganspace AI

(Reuters) – Bigger than 300 Boeing 737 MAX jets were grounded worldwide after two deadly crashes in five months in Ethiopia and Indonesia killed nearly 350 members.

FILE PHOTO: Airplane engine aspects are viewed on the scene of the Ethiopian Airlines Flight ET 302 plane atomize, near the metropolis of Bishoftu, southeast of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia March 11, 2019. REUTERS/Tiksa Negeri/File Verbalize

Investigators taking a survey to roar the causes must solution one of the finest questions: Modified into as soon as the plane’s utility to blame?


– Boeing has stopped provide of all new MAX jets. Its stock has fallen about 6 p.c since the Ethiopian Airlines atomize on March 10.

– Boeing maintains its new, gasoline-efficient jets are stable, however supported the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) decision to flooring them.

– The preliminary file into the Ethiopian peril, printed on April 4, confirmed a key sensor changed into as soon as wrecked, perchance by a chook strike. It began to feed rotten files into the Maneuvering Characteristics Augmentation Machine (MCAS), designed to discontinue stalls by pushing the nose of the plane lower.

– Flying quicker than instructed, the crew struggled with MCAS and turned it off. However the plane changed into as soon as aloof pointed down – making it now not easy to use manual controls. Recordsdata suggests they later turned MCAS-connected techniques help on – that would additionally reactivate the electrical super system to help push the plane higher. However with its vitality restored, a final MCAS nose-down explain kicked in. Reactivating MCAS is contrary to recommendation issued by Boeing and regulators. The file did now not address that. [nL8N21M5G9

– The preliminary file into October’s Lion Air atomize in Indonesia instructed pilots additionally misplaced administration after grappling with the MCAS utility. It additionally centered on airline maintenance and practicing.

– Sources said on March 21 that Boeing would mandate on MAX jets a previously optionally available in the market cockpit warning light, which might perchance perchance perchance need warned of complications that perchance played a job in every crashes.

– Boeing said on April 3 it had efficiently tested an replace of the MCAS system.

– The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration said on April 3 it changed into as soon as launching a new review of the 737 MAX.

– Europe and Canada said on March 20 they’d independently certify the protection of the jets, extra complicating plans to safe the plane help flying.

– Indonesia’s flag carrier Garuda said on March 22 it had sent a letter to Boeing asking to slay an verbalize for 49 MAX 8 plane, turning into the principle airline to verify plans to slay an verbalize after the crashes.


– A final file by Ethiopian authorities aided by air-safety specialists from the US and Europe is due to be printed within a twelve months.

– Indonesia has evolved the planned liberate of its file on the Lion Air atomize to between July and August, versus a old schedule of between August and September.

– U.S. lawmakers said on March 14 the 737 MAX shall be grounded for weeks to enhance utility in every plane. Other countries might perchance perchance perchance additionally flooring the planes even longer.

– The U.S. Transportation Division’s inspector general plans to audit the FAA’s certification of the jet, an legitimate with the predicament of labor said on March 19. The predicament of labor can indicate adjustments or improvements to how the FAA operates.

– The U.S. Justice Division is additionally taking a survey on the FAA’s oversight of Boeing, an particular particular person aware of the matter has said. The FAA has said it’s miles “completely” assured in its vetting.

– The chairman of the U.S. Apartment of Representatives transportation committee and one other key Democrat requested the Transportation Division’s inspector general to look key decisions the FAA made in certifying the MAX jet.

– Ethiopian Airlines said on March 16 that DNA testing of passengers’ stays might perchance perchance perchance additionally raise in to six months.

Compiled by Reuters bureaux

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