[NEWS] Pompeo discusses Iran with Gulf allies amid escalating crisis – Loganspace AI

[NEWS] Pompeo discusses Iran with Gulf allies amid escalating crisis – Loganspace AI

RIYADH/DUBAI (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of Narrate Mike Pompeo discussed Iran and maritime security with affluent Gulf Arab allies for the duration of a day out to the space on Monday after President Donald Trump known as off a navy strike to retaliate for Tehran’s downing of a U.S. drone.

U.S. Secretary of Narrate Mike Pompeo meets with Saudi Arabia’s King Salman bin Abdulaziz at Al Salam Palace in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia June 24, 2019. Bandar Algaloud/Courtesy of Saudi Royal Court docket/Handout by task of REUTERS

A senior U.S. Narrate Department loyal acknowledged the US is constructing a coalition with its allies to offer protection to Gulf transport lanes by having “eyes on all transport” following most recent attacks on oil tankers that Washington blamed on Iran.

Pompeo arrived in the United Arab Emirates after meeting with King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia where talks covered safety for ships in the Gulf.

“Freedom of navigation is paramount,” Pompeo tweeted from the Saudi metropolis of Jeddah.

The senior U.S. loyal instructed reporters en path to Abu Dhabi that the U.S. Navy was constructing a “Sentinel” program for “proactive deterrence”. He acknowledged a coalition of countries would offer every cloth and financial contributions, but did no longer title the countries.

“What the Iranians are doing by shooting down American drones, shooting at other drones in the space no longer even necessarily over the Gulf, wherever, is to forestall us from having eyes on them,” the loyal acknowledged.

A 2nd U.S. loyal, also talking on condition of anonymity, instructed Reuters that the belief aimed to leer U.S. companions offering the majority of ships that would perchance well perchance be positioned in intervals in the Gulf of Oman or the Strait of Hormuz, preserving stare.

“It’s no longer in operation (but) but it undoubtedly’s one thing we’re attempting at with our companions,” the loyal acknowledged, describing the idea that.

In his meeting with Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed al-Nahyan, Pompeo pressed him on increased maritime security in the Strait of Hormuz.

“We’ll need you all to participate, your navy other folks,” Pompeo acknowledged. “The President is serious about sharing that the US doesn’t possess the cost of this,” he added, noting that the UAE, Saudi Arabia and “one more 20 countries” would “deserve to reduction advance” the philosophize.

Tehran has denied any involvement in the explosive blasts that have hit six vessels, including two Saudi oil tankers, shut to the Strait of Hormuz, for the duration of which nearly a fifth of the arena’s oil passes.

The U.S. loyal acknowledged the deterrents encompass cameras, binoculars and ships, including from the US.


In an obvious note of how fast the US has mobilized diplomatic efforts because the incompatibility escalates, Pompeo thanked King Salman for meeting on “such immediate witness”.

Pompeo and Prince Mohammed reiterated that the “two countries stand facet by facet in confronting the opposed Iranian actions and in combating terrorism”, the Saudi media ministry acknowledged.

The US has safe the strait for decades with its naval Fifth Instant primarily based entirely in Bahrain. U.S. President Donald Trump acknowledged on Monday that other countries, including China and Japan, would perchance well merely serene offer protection to their own ships there.

“There will be navy ships from foreign countries, from an infinite coalition of countries who participate on this. I don’t mediate they’re escorting. I mediate they’re observing,” the U.S. loyal acknowledged.

It was no longer particular what role Saudi Arabia and the UAE would play in the coalition.

Relatives between longtime foes Iran and the US have deteriorated since Trump withdrew Washington a twelve months ago from a 2015 accord that curbed Tehran’s nuclear program in replace for relieving sanctions.

Tensions have flared following the tankers attacks, Iran’s downing of the drone final week, and repeated attacks on Saudi airports and oil installations by Yemen’s Iran-aligned Houthis.


Pompeo did no longer discuss final twelve months’s abolish of U.S.-primarily based entirely Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi with Saudi Arabia’s king on Monday and it was unclear whether or no longer the grief was raised in a separate meeting with the crown prince.

“It did no longer” come up, the loyal acknowledged of Pompeo’s meeting with the king. He would perchance well no longer hiss if the case was raised with the crown prince, whom Pompeo met later.

A U.N. chronicle final week known as for the crown prince and other senior officers to be investigated, given credible proof in opposition to them.

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The Trump administration is pressing the Saudis to repeat growth toward preserving to myth these on the back of the killing of Khashoggi in the dominion’s Istanbul consulate.

The abolish tarnished the crown prince’s world standing. The CIA and a few Western countries contemplate he ordered the killing, which Saudi officers swear.

Reporting by Stephen Kalin in Riyadh, Maha El Dahan and Sylvia Westall in Dubai and Phil Stewart and Lesley Wroughton in Washington; enhancing by Peter Graff, William Maclean and James Dalgleish

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