[NEWS] U.S. Congress to advance ‘Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy’ bill – Loganspace AI

[NEWS] U.S. Congress to advance ‘Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy’ bill – Loganspace AI

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. congressional committees are due to the originate voting next week on rules supporting human rights in Hong Kong, with measures beneath consideration collectively with annual critiques of the Chinese territory’s special economic discipline and the imposition of sanctions on other folks that undermine its autonomy.

FILE PHOTO: Protesters march to demand the USA Congress to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act in Hong Kong, China September 8, 2019. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu/File Characterize

Residence of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi held a news conference on Wednesday with Residence individuals – Republicans and her fellow Democrats – as well to Joshua Wong, Denise Ho and varied Hong Kong democracy activists to encourage the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019.”

The activists beget spent noteworthy of this week in Washington making their case for U.S. give a hang to, collectively with testifying at a congressional hearing on Tuesday.

“Democrats and Republicans within the Residence and the Senate enthusiastically give a hang to this rules,” Pelosi stated. “We stand with … all who’re combating for a aloof, hopeful future.”

Leaders of the Residence Foreign Affairs Committee stated the committee used to be due to the imprint up – debate and vote on – the bill next week. It’s anticipated to pass, which would send it for a vote by the stout Residence.

A spokeswoman for the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, stated that committee used to be also engaged on its version of the rules, hoping to possess its markup next week.

The bill’s textual command material is perchance no longer final till it passes both properties of Congress, and it will beget to also silent be signed by President Donald Trump to become law.

The current version of the Residence bill requires annual critiques of whether Hong Kong silent meets the necessities – collectively with final independent – of the 1992 U.S. law granting it special economic discipline.

It also would require the Trump administration to establish and sanction anyone guilty for human rights abuses in Hong Kong, Republican Representative Chris Smith, one of the most bill’s lead sponsors, told the news conference.

Trump has sent some blended signals on the Hong Kong protests. In early August, he brought on dismay amongst these sympathetic to the motion by describing the street demonstrations as riots.

Trump has since known as on China to entire the discord in a humanitarian means and stated a crackdown would perchance well produce his efforts to entire a adversarial replace war “very hard.”

Some industry groups apprehension that the rules would perchance well possibility then finest-searching replace talks. Backers rejected that draw back.

“We can not let commercial interests pressure our policy,” Pelosi stated.

Reporting by Patricia Zengerle; Modifying by Tom Brown

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