India may be conduct missile war on pakistan soon, due to pakistan army’s continuous trouble in the border…

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India may be conduct missile war on pakistan soon, due to pakistan army’s continuous trouble in the border…

I have the new fear  about WW3 (world war 3). At ww3, missiles and UAV place the major role in this… The brother countries of india and Pakistan looking to maintain and increase it’s Area of control in Kashmir region. Jammu and Kashmir is actually India’s property. But now India can only maintain 60% area in 222,236 km2of pre-defined  area at the periods of Independence. But it loose the area at the time of India-china war. up to 18% area of Kashmir occupied by china. During this critical time of India and it’s army, Pakistan occupied 22% of area of Kashmir after Chinese troop withdrawal at some area’s. Pakistan want to claim the full area of Jammu and Kashmir. It say majority Muslim area is Pak. property. India made agreement with Jammu and Kashmir king Mr. singh., to join with India at independence period. India not ready to give or loose it’s territory to Pakistan in  any reason. Pakistan fails to occupy the Kashmir in Kargil war and Bangladesh independence war. During both the 2 war’s India gain some more area. Pakistan can’t with stand India in directly. Pakistan ready to share the Kashmir with china as the fees due to, it need army support from china to play against India. So it share  40,000 km2of  area to china in lately. 

Pakistan can’t occupy Kashmir directly. if again war comes means, it surely loose it’s previously occupied area if china not supports  directly like Bangladesh independence and Kargil war. if china supports Pakistan directly in war, I can surely say… it lead to WW3, due to India’s friendly relations with other countries. Russians stands for India for last 2 wars between India vs Pakistan. it hold USA and China at past 2 wars. Now USA too also Friend for India. I can surely say, Russia only support for India. Even, it not ready to sell the weapon to Pakistan for India’s friendship. Pakistan only use terrorism is the weapon for Pakistan against India. But, it all so suffer lot-of thing due to this.

Now, The problem is Pakistan trying to send terrorist to India, to make some terrorist attack in India, like mumbai attack 2007. Using this,  they want spoil at-list peoples mental relief. The Pakistan feels, It will lead to people will play against government for need of safety. most of times Pakistan Army plays against the Indian positions,  to divert Indian army, to make terrorist movement to India through it’s international border. but Indian army smartly handle this. Some times Pakistan’s army building the secret  underground tunnel in the border to send terrorist with weapons to Indian territory. Now, the indian side dificult job is, findouting secret underground tunnels which build by pakistan’s army, to destroy that. I am not trying to make too much of complaints against Pakistan. I am just tell some facts. After the ruler change in india, pakistan army disturbance is heavily increased. Now, the Indian government gives full freedom to the Indian army for defensive actions. Currently more than 400 terrorist are waiting to cross the border to go inside Indian Territory. In recent news, we can saw the news of terrorist movement at border and Indian army’s defensive actions at-list once per week.. Even when i type this article, Pakistan Army starts it’s attacks  to divert Indian army for send terrorist to Indian territory. Due to that, Indian army started aggressive defensive reply through it’s weapons.    

I am not like war between India and Pakistan. because if that happens, that will affect ecconmy, people’s life and even normal action too will be affected at  both the countries.All the amount will be diverted for war expense. loan amount for countries will be increased. That will affect nature too.

But, we should solve the problems should soon as possible. Indian government openly declared or warned, “Pakistan should stop helping the terrorist. it should stop fight at border. up to the both the things happen, India will not participate any speaks between India and Pakistan.
if Pakistan both the things not happen, India will start military actions. Pakistan can’t survive this action.”   

If that happens, what is the plus and minus for India & Pakistan.

  1. India has world’s second largest army. Pakistan doesn’t have that much big army.
  2. India have it’s own ingenious missile or aerospace shield to destroy any type of missile or air weapon come from any part of the world with the aid of own radar and  military satellite.But, Pakistan not have even bought missile shield.
  3. both the countries have spy flights. But quality & quantity wise India stands in front of Pakistan.
  4. Pakistan having more atom bombs when comparing with India. but India can manage by destroying ballistic missiles and flights through its own missile or airspace shield.

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