The Future of Solar Power
energy storage technologies – the analysis supplies a first differentiated analysis of which energy storage technologies will soon be viable in the exit from fossil-fuel energy. In this region, European and US companies are falling behind economically, as Asian companies employ to get a substantially higher amount of patents.
If a huge quantity of electricity is to be produced with renewable energy sources in the future energy will need to be kept during productive periods so that these fluctuations may be paid for.
energy storage technologies
But, existing storage capacities are not even close to sufficient to its goal. Science and industry are working on new technologies. One important focus lies on battery powered apparatus which used to be expensive or unsophisticated to become used on a big scale. Some different electrochemical technologies are competing to be the standard.

Knowing which technologies would be the subject of more intensive improvement activities and will put in the industry shortly is strategically important to most stakeholders in the energy sector, whether from the industry, political world or science fiction.
The scientists noticed, though, a new noticeable increase, albeit to a minimal level, to get redox flow batteries, in which the energy-storing chemical compounds have been utilized in liquid form: By 2009 until 2011, the variety of applications a lot more than doubled in 90 to 200. The range of patent families for alkaline batteries fell slightly to 240 and sodium-sulfur technologies played with a consistently marginal roll with 20 applications.
The analysis proves that the yearly range of new patent families, i.e., sets of patent applications and patents to get similar or equivalent inventions (e.g., applications in different countries), climbed by 110 percent from 2006 to 2011.
Asian programmers submit nearly four times as many applications as counter parts. The analysis indicates that Asian companies will dominate the marketplace. In 2011, 2,100 requests for patent families relating to electrochemical energy storage can be attributed to Asian programmers; 530 to Western, and just 410 to US programmers.
Despite having a high initial figure in 2001, the Asians were ready to increase their applications from 220 percent applications climbed by 260 per cent and US applications by 70 per cent.
“Quite possibly, we will soon hit a point in which a self-multiplying effect might be seen. The moment the techno-economic statistics are Goodenough, development and research activities will draw more investments, which will generate a much stronger result.” The mere fact that lithium batteries are utilized in electric cars will merely contribute to this development since batteries will soon be in demand in the power industry as well as in the automotive industry.
The lithium part is enough dynamic
Essentially the many patent applications, by the way, were filed by programmers of lithium batteries: in 2011, there have been 4,900 brand new patent families. Indeed, the curve of application amounts in this segment follows a steep upward trend since 2008, following having a single dip in 2007.
Before this, several suppliers needed to return products on account of safety issues. Also, the patent applications have been cited more frequently than different technologies by patent families – that a marker of quality which demonstrates that they may play a part in the continued evolution of the technology.

In 2nd place regarding the range of patent applications filed are lead batteries with just around 580 brand new patent families in 2011.
“These results raise interesting questions regarding research policy and development administration. Further studies might, for instance, consider which strategies have given certain companies and technological lead in this field, also which course might be learned using this from European and US competitors,” says Prof. Isabell M. Welpe, that holds the Chair for Strategy and Organization. In the last several decades, some patent applications such as electrochemical energy storage technologies have now jumped.
According to research by the Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM), the most significant level of claims, by the way, is submitted by programmers of lithium batteries. In 2011, the figure had increased to 5,900 requests. “Given those investments, we can assume that fresh electrochemical energy storage technologies will soon be prepared for market entrance shortly and will soon be more cost-effective compared to the existing services and products,” says Simon C. Muller, physicist, and economist, at the chair for Strategy and Organization.
(Applications offer you an even far more up-to-date overview of trends about the given trademark rights.) The scientists found an index that carries both quantitative statistics and the variety of application citations into consideration. According to this index, the best 10 in the lithium batteries division include eight Japanese and one Korean provider, with Fuji in the guide.